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UNV X ESMOD Roubaix, a collaboration based on solidarity and eco-responsibility

ESMOD Roubaix students teamed up with UNV, the King College London's student platform dedicated to developing sustainable fashion projects, specifically within the optic of a major upcycling project.

This project consisted of scouring the streets of Lille to collect clothes from individuals. Then, the Fashion Design students transformed them into new pieces with a unique designer flair. Finally, Fashion Business students managed the promotion and marketing of the products. The result: a clean and circular economy where everyone wins, including the Earth. This is a fundamental approach to design that will shape the fashion of tomorrow!

For all of you eco-fashionista’s out there eager to find unique and original pieces, fear not! At the end of April, the products our ESMOD Roubaix students created for this project will be available for purchase on the DEPOP website. But, the project does not stop there! In fact, the social impact goes even further since the funds generated by the sales of these items with be donated to a charitable organization working to aid impoverished youth.

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